• L. G. Smoliar National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
  • O.V. Kamyanska International University of Finance
Keywords: knowledge transfer, knowledge transfer model, technology transfer, innovation development, universities, EU integration, technology transfer center


The article covers modern approaches to the formation of models for the knowledge transfer by universities. The main differences between the creation of the classical technology transfer model and the knowledge transfer model, which is inherent to the universities. For the universities, research institutions, the formation of an innovative mechanism in the 21st century is possible through the transfer of knowledge, and not just the transfer of technologies inherent in the technological paradigm. Knowledge transfer is a more powerful concept, which includes both the direct transfer of technology and new knowledge. The main problems of forming such models by Ukrainian universities and ways of their possible solution are mentioned. A comparative analysis of modern models of transfer of knowledge of leading European universities, in particular, Lithuania and Poland, has been carried out, which allowed to distinguish their key elements and interrelations between them, in particular the need to involve graduates of industrial enterprises as sources of new knowledge, joint research with business, ensuring effective licensing, creating scientific consortia. A the same time the formation of modern efficient models of knowledge transfer by universities is possible only under conditions of functioning the integrated innovation infrastructure, the main participants of which are the state, producers of innovations (research, educational establishments, enterprises), consumers of innovations (business environment) and innovative intermediaries (network of technology transfer, innovation centers or technology transfer offices, etc.). The importance of the inclusion of Ukrainian universities in European programs and knowledge dissemination networks in modern conditions is emphasized, in particular, the prospects of participation in the EEN network are revealed. Moreover, the conditions of an open European economic, scientific space, on the one hand, increase the level of competitiveness, and on the other – create new unprecedented opportunities to conquer world markets and receive high profits.


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How to Cite
Smoliar, L. G., & Kamyanska, O. (2018). FORMATION OF MODERN KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER MODELS BY THE UNIVERSITIES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (6), 85-93. Retrieved from
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