Keywords: GDP, economy, economic freedom, leadership, ratings, risks, R&D, projects, strategies, management


The scientific article is devoted to the consideration of the theoretical foundations of risk management on the one hand, and on the other - the analysis of countries-global leaders of the world economy, taking into account the risks of their operation. It is determined that project risk management has a special place in risk science. It is substantiated that geographical location is a determining factor in the risk management system. Trends and models of development of the world economy systematically lead some countries into leading positions, others - to outsiders. In this case, outsiders are those who are unable to cope with risks that can be not only economic. In doing so, risky situations undermine national security issues. Therefore, it is relevant to research countries and groups of countries that are global leaders in the global market, taking into account the risks that accompany them. The purpose of the research is to identify and substantiate the leading economies of the world economy in terms of risk, based on macroeconomic indicators of their activities and international rankings. To achieve this goal, the following methods have been used: systematization, grouping and generalization, formalization, induction and deduction, scientific abstraction, semantic analysis, etc. The information resources of leading organizations and agencies such as the IMF, the UN, the World Bank Group, the US Central Intelligence Agency, The Heritage Foundation, the World Economic Forum and The Economist Intelligence Unit were used. The research presents global risks to the world economy. The list of risks inherent in countries that hold leading positions on certain indicators is given. These indicators determine GDP per capita (leader countries – China, EU, USA), GDP per capita (leader countries – Luxembourg, Switzerland, Macau). It also identifies the leading countries in the rating of economic freedom (leader countries – Singapore, Hong Kong, New Zealand), the amount of R&D expenditure (leader countries – the United States, China, Japan) and more. It is determined that countries operate in the conditions of such risks (which are inherent to individual countries and not all leaders), such as resource or financial dependency, demographic burden, non-diversification of the economy, dependence on imported labor, etc. And the global risks include the following: price bubbles, illegal trade, uncontrolled inflation, changes in energy prices, critical unemployment, the collapse of financial institutions. The practical value of the study is to improve approaches to identify the world's leading economies, taking into account the global and specific risks of their functioning.


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How to Cite
Dergachova, V., & Manaienko, I. (2020). RISKOLOGY: MANAGEMENT, PROJECTS, TRENDS AND PERSPECTIVES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (11-1), 24-31. https://doi.org/10.37320/2415-3583/11.4
World economy and international economic relations