Keywords: tourism, tourist flow, tourists, tourism industry, tourist services market, analysis of indicators of tourism services market development


The article deals with the current state, tendencies and prospects of development of the tourist services market of Ukraine. The main stages that hinder the development of the tourism industry in the country and need further resolution are considered. Problems in the current conditions are the imperfection and inefficiency of management of enterprises in the tourism industry of Ukraine. This aggravates the tourist attractiveness of the state and impedes the development of a complex of national tourist services. The subject of the article's research is the market of tourist services of Ukraine, which is developing quite dynamically. The purpose of the study is to determine the status and trends of the tourism market. The main methods of the study were the statistical analysis of the intensity of the tourist flow of the country, the dynamics of activity indicators of the subjects of the tourist services market of Ukraine. In the course of the work the following results were obtained: the imperfection and inefficiency of the management of the enterprises of the tourist industry of Ukraine remain in unstable conditions. This impairs the tourist attractiveness of the country and impedes the development of a complex of national tourist services. Such changes are caused by several factors of the external environment: increase of availability of rest at exotic resorts, increase of mobility of the population in the conditions of globalization and integration of Ukraine to the European Union, difficult political situation on the territory of the state (occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea). The study concludes that the tourism market in Ukraine is a reformed type of national tourism market that characterizes transition economies that shape market structures and where international tourism is predominant in foreign destinations. During the period 2011-2017, the tourist services market of Ukraine has undergone significant changes, which is observed not only in the change of direction and geographical structure of the tourist flow, but also in its infrastructural component while increasing the revenues of market entities from the sale of tourist services. It is worth noting that the development of the tourist services market needs in-depth analysis certain types of tourism in the development of the economy countries that may be the subject of further research.


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How to Cite
Borblik, K. (2019). STATE AND TRENDS OF THE TOURIST SERVICES DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (10), 25-30.
Economics and national economy management