Keywords: economic security, competitiveness of the enterprise, market share, level of economic security of the enterprise, index method, expert method


The article explores modern tools for economic security assessment, taking into account the competitiveness of the entity. General and specific methods of system-structural analysis and synthesis were used to identify the relationship between economic security and competitiveness; to systematize factors that impair economic security and most affect the competitiveness; the index method for a comparison of indicators of the studied and base enterprise and for expert evaluation to obtain weighted indicators. The theoretical research has revealed that most contemporary studies are purely of a review nature, which confirms the relevance of the work. The author's view is that the economic security of the entity ensures the efficient use of resources, high level of competitiveness, sustainable operation under changing environmental conditions and high market share for commercial activities. A method for calculating a complex, aggregate indicator of the level of economic security has been proposed; it takes into account the main aspects of the enterprise performance and level of its competitiveness. It has been found that the competitiveness of the enterprise, in turn, depends on the competitiveness of the goods, efficiency of sales and promotion of the goods in the market, financial condition of the enterprise and efficiency of the enterprise management. The application of weighted indicators will increase the efficiency of practical use of the results and will allow them to be implemented in economic activities. This approach is based on open sources for input information and the use of the index method. The proposed method allows comparing the level of economic security of: 1) one enterprise over several periods of operation; 2) different entities of the same industry; 3) enterprises of different industries. The components of economic security may vary depending on the specifics of economic activity, ownership, markets for finished products, et cetera. The proposed approach is quite visual, easy to calculate and compare the results. Further research should focus on finding ways to ensure a high level of economic security, taking into account the "bottlenecks" highlighted by using this methodological approach.


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How to Cite
Ivanova, M., Tkachenko, A., & Zagorudko, V. (2019). ASSESSING THE ECONOMIC SECURITY LEVEL, TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE COMPETITIVENESS OF THE ENTERPRISE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (10), 52-56.
Economics and business management