Keywords: social engineering, cyber threat, unauthorized access, cognitive biases, exposure methods, social hacker


The article substantiates the need of modern enterprises for effective methods of preventing social hacking. Social engineering is one of the most vulnerable sections in the development of modern business, as the sophistication and complexity of manipulative technologies is constantly improving. The purpose of the study is to identify the signs of social engineering at early stages, to develop a methodology for evaluating the manipulative impact on employees of the company and the formation of effective mechanisms to counteract social hackers in the enterprise. The basic methods and techniques of social engineering, ways of managing society, the phenomenon of manipulative influence on employees are covered from the standpoint of financial and economic security of the enterprise. Among the most common methods of social engineering are methods based on human weaknesses and cognitive biases, in particular, the use of instincts of "curiosity" and "trust", special attention is paid to techniques of reverse social engineering. The basic ways and forms of attack are studied: phishing, beating, pretexting, creation of trap sites. The social hacker toolkit that is used to gain competitive advantage is analyzed. The efficiency of using the tools of economic-mathematical modeling and intellectual analysis for the construction of the defense system is substantiated. Effective mechanisms have been proposed to quickly track and detect the signs of social engineering, to prevent cyber threats at the enterprise and counteract social hacking. Among the primary methods of counteraction are the following: personnel training, adjustment of testing and forecasting features of social engineering at early stages, construction and maintenance of the protection system; supporting staff vigilance, developing critical thinking, developing the ability to recognize attempts at manipulative influence; promoting computer literacy and knowledge of the basic rules of digital hygiene. The security of the enterprise information system depends to a large extent on the correct selection of personnel, the study of the basics of social engineering and strict adherence to the requirements of the security policy.


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How to Cite
Polovenko, L., & Merinova, S. (2019). DETECTION OF SOCIAL ENGINEERING SIGNS AND TECHNOLOGY OF COUNTERACTION TO SOCIAL HACKERS AT ENTERPRISE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (10), 183-187.
Mathematical methods, models and information technologies in economics