• Nataliia Bondarchuk Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University
  • Dmitriy Mikhienko Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University
Keywords: economic security, management, mechanism, enterprise, owners


Economic security can be ensured only if a logical system of timely detection, prevention and elimination of potential and real economic threats and risks of sustainable development of the enterprise, taking into account the needs of owners, is defined and built. The purpose of the article is to determine the basics of economic security management taking into account the needs of owners, the formation of the mechanism of the system of priority interests of the enterprise. In the course of the research general scientific research methods were used The main principles of economic security of the enterprise are legality and observance of balance of interests, mutual responsibility of the personnel and the management, interaction with bodies of legislative and executive power. The organization of economic security of the enterprise depends on how effectively it is able to avoid possible threats to certain components of the external and internal environment, the main of which are: financial, intellectual, technological, legal, information. The formation of the mechanism of economic security of the enterprise takes into account the needs of enterprise owners through appropriate management decisions, the formation of the information field, analytical and forecasting work, a number of economic calculations and evaluation of the results. The tasks which are solved by means of maintenance of economic safety of the enterprise are defined: maintenance of conformity of mission of the enterprise and the strategic purposes of its activity in system of the priority purposes of the enterprise; definition and operative adjustment of priorities in activity of the enterprise and creation of conditions for their realization; ensuring compliance of the company's sales volume with its resource potential and market capacity; ensuring internal balance in the activities of the enterprise; risk reduction in the enterprise; ensuring the interest of staff in the effective operation of the enterprise, etc. Mechanisms to ensure the economic security of the enterprise should allow to ensure the economic security of the enterprise depending on the characteristics of financial and economic activities of the enterprise. Therefore, one of the elements of the mechanism should be an assessment of the economic security of the enterprise, taking into account its main interests.


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How to Cite
Bondarchuk, N., & Mikhienko, D. (2020). ECONOMIC SECURITY MANAGEMENT TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE OWNERS ’NEEDS. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (14), 14-19.
Economics and business management