Keywords: economic education, digital entrepreneurship, teaching methods, digital competencies, training in digital entrepreneurship, innovative university


The article substantiates author’s presentation of the content of methods of teaching digital entrepreneurship in the system of economic education of higher education, which forms the reproductive and productive thinking of the learner, who go through the information and problem type of education. The study found that general didactic methods of teaching digital entrepreneurship are explanatory-illustrative and reproductive, as well as partial-search, research. The basic essential characteristics of digital entrepreneurship education are determined, including digital, economic thinking, perspective ideas and initiatives, managerial ability, innovation, didactic thinking, ability to creativity, activity. Authors have developed and visually presented a potential innovative ecosystem of digital entrepreneurship as an innovative digital environment with aspects of functioning within new virtual reality. Author’s vision of the content of teaching digital entrepreneurship in the context of three modules is offered, namely: formation of digital thinking and behavior as the purpose of digital education in entrepreneurship; study of methods of conducting various forms of teaching digital entrepreneurship, evaluation of knowledge of means of activating methods of digital entrepreneurship; psychological and pedagogical uniqueness of each teacher of digital entrepreneurship, which is realized through self-development and self-education. Authors determined that successful implementation of training course of digital entrepreneurship can be achieved by this method, by ensuring compliance with the following conditions: introduction of complementarity of team core skills combined with a high level of professionalism and reputation of researchers-innovators in innovative-entrepreneurship university (cultural kinship of foreign team members with a potential client base abroad allows quickly build long-term relationships). It is noted that the founders of smart companies within the walls of innovative-entrepreneurship university must have a solid reputation in global business community, which in itself immediately becomes a contributing factor; formation of a system of continuous professional development of teaching staff, support staff, undergraduate students through new R&D based on 4.0 technologies.


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Marchenko O., Kraus N., Kraus K. (2020) The impact of servation on the results of economic digital entrepreneurship activities. Ukraine in the context of global and national modern servisation processes and digital economy: monograph. Praha: OKTAN PRINT, 265 р. (pp. 81–91).

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Economic theory and history of economic thought