Keywords: system, marketing, production, operation of enterprises, environmentally friendly products


The article presents the economic mechanism of marketing the production of environmentally safe products. The author proposes a conceptual approach to its formation, the main components are given. Many papers have found that marketing is an organizational function and a set of creation processes, that it answers how to compete based on other, non-price principles, that it is a strategy that you use to make your ideal target market know about you, to he liked you and he was able to trust you enough to become your customer. The purpose of the article was to develop an economic mechanism for marketing the production of environmentally friendly products. It was obtained that the introduction of an economic mechanism for marketing the production of environmentally friendly products should be carried out in several stages. On the first - there is a formation of the purpose and tasks of the marketing mechanism, marketing researches of target and international markets are carried out. On the second - the manufacturer draws up marketing programs and plans and establishes work with customers. The next step is to implement a marketing system and conversion sales. Then the result is determined: the profit is analyzed and service is implemented. The last stage is improvement: planning and implementation of recommendations. Here, with the help of the marketing mechanism, the following tasks are solved: obtaining operational information about innovations and implementing innovations in production and organizational activity; timely detection and neutralization of associated risks with marketing activities; constant monitoring of the market environment. We show that the successfully developed and implemented economic mechanism of marketing the production of environmentally friendly products will help solve a number of problems of the producer: the formation of innovation and investment model of economic development; taking a competitive position in the agricultural market; deepening intersectoral and international forms of integration; establishing effective consumer-supplier relations; strengthening product sales channels.


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Economics and business management