Keywords: metallurgical industry, world trade, world market, export, green course


The article is devoted to the assessment of export opportunities of domestic enterprises of the metallurgical industry in the new operating conditions. It substantiates the importance of the metallurgical industry for the development of the world economy, taking into account the level of use of the industry’s products and its impact on increasing the industrial capacity of national economies. The analysis of the current state of the world metallurgical industry, world steel exports and the main exporters and importers of steel has been carried out. The features of the development of the domestic metallurgical industry, its production and export potential, in particular in war conditions, are considered. The commodity structure of production and the geographical structure of exports are studied in the context of the acquired status of Ukraine as a metallurgical net exporter and a world exporter of steel. Attention is paid to the assessment of export earnings from the Ukrainian metallurgical industry. In the process of the research, the problems of the modern development of the metallurgical industry in Ukraine are considered from the standpoint of the presence of certain objective difficulties, including protectionist measures, higher production costs, and a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. The latter has led to the physical destruction of metallurgical facilities, loss of human resources, export restrictions due to the blockade of Ukrainian ports. It is quite justified that there has occurred a cardinal decrease in the export of metallurgical products. It has been proved that the domestic metallurgical industry is an integral part of the global industry; therefore, its development should take into account the influence of global factors, the identification of which will be the key to strengthening the competitive position of Ukrainian metallurgical enterprises and expanding their presence in the global metal market. The significance of the article consists in revealing the prospects for further development of the industry based on the identified problems. Forecasts for the development of the domestic metallurgical industry are revealed in strengthening the role of the industry in restoring the economy of Ukraine, meeting the needs of the construction industry and the military and industrial complex, both in terms of increased demand in the domestic market and taking into account the export orientation of production. The prospects imply an understanding of the main global trends in the development of metallurgical production and an orientation towards updating the industry through the application of progressive innovative solutions.


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How to Cite
Shaida, O., Poliakova, Y., & Rypska, Y. (2022). PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE METALLURGICAL INDUSTRY OF UKRAINE IN THE CONTEXT OF ECONOMIC RECOVERY. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (24), 28-33.
World economy and international economic relations