Keywords: development strategy, innovation activity, investment activity, advertising strategy, product sales model


The article considers the modeling of innovation and investment activities of the food sector in the Ukrainian market in modern conditions, taking into account the cost of advertising and commodity prices. The efficiency of investment activities of the enterprise can be determined by the level of investment management, in particular in determining the investment strategy, taking into account various factors. Rational allocation of limited resources is key in management practice. The task of the study is to calculate the strategy of investment and innovation activities of the company by building an economic and mathematical model to determine the strategy of optimal distribution of investment funds between innovative projects to improve the efficiency of investment. The main task is to determine the optimal strategy for managing the price of goods, investments and deductions for advertising to determine the optimal strategy for launching new product lines on the market. The economic-mathematical model is developed and constructed and the corresponding calculations under various scenarios of demand for the goods among consumers are carried out. Several strategies for investing in production have been compared. A tree of solutions has also been built for various product sales strategies to determine the most profitable way for a company to operate. The calculations are based on the example of the private joint-stock company «Kyiv Confectionery Factory “Roshen”» – the leader of the confectionery industry in the market. The data used for the study was up until 2020. Based on the results of the research, a project was developed to expand the organizational and economic support of the innovative activity of the enterprise by introducing new production lines and analyzing the distribution of investments between them, taking into account the initial capital. An economic-mathematical model was developed and built, and corresponding calculations were made for various scenarios of demand for goods among consumers. Several strategies for investing money in production were compared. A decision tree was also built for various product sales strategies in order to determine the most profitable way of the company's activity.


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How to Cite
Chernousova, Z., & Shkapenko, O. (2022). ECONOMIC AND MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF THE INNOVATIVE ACTIVITY OF THE ENTERPRISE IN MODERN CONDITIONS. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (24), 129-137.
Mathematical methods, models and information technologies in economics