Keywords: digitalization of banking products, project management, banking, children, financial education


This research paper examines the importance of implementing projects for the digital transformation of banking products for children and developing their financial literacy from an early age. The work examines issues related to the influence of financial education on the formation of reasonable financial behavior among consumers of financial services, analyzes the latest scientific research and publications on this topic, and also determines the benefits of implementing projects on financial literacy of children for the banking sector. Studies have shown that insufficient financial literacy of the population can negatively affect the economic development of the country and the stability of the banking system. Therefore, the formation of children's financial literacy is an important task that can increase their financial well-being and the stability of the banking system. Recent research shows that financial education programs for elementary school students can help build positive attitudes toward financial services and reduce the risks of financial fraud and abuse. The implementation of children's financial literacy projects is an important prerequisite for increasing consumer confidence in the banking system, and therefore, increasing its stability and competitiveness. Therefore, banks should actively support and implement such social and educational initiatives. To achieve the goal, it is necessary to conduct a study of the role of financial education in the formation of rational behavior of consumers of financial services, determine the advantages of implementing projects on financial literacy of children for the banking sector, and offer recommendations for implementation. children's financial education projects for banks, as well as to investigate the main stakeholders of the project. Therefore, this article shows that the financial education of children is an extremely important direction for the development of the financial literacy of the population, and the implementation of projects to improve the financial literacy of children is an important step on the way to increasing consumer confidence in the banking system and increasing its stability and competitiveness.


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How to Cite
Kohut, I., & Gaydar, O. (2023). JUSTIFICATION OF THE RELEVANCE OF PROJECTS OF BANKING PRODUCTS FOR CHILDREN. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (29), 79-82. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-3583/29.12
Economics and business management