Keywords: innovative development, innovation index, industrial enterprises, electric power industry, alternative energy sources, innovation


The article examines the innovative components of a retrospective of the activities of industrial enterprises. To begin with, we defined the essence of the concept of innovative enterprise development based on the interpretation of economists. Based on the statements, it was investigated that through innovative development there is an increase in the economic potential of the enterprise with the subsequent implementation of its additional economic opportunities acquired by the enterprise. Next, we analyzed the level of innovation development in Ukraine. It was found that the war in Ukraine negatively affected its place in the innovation ranking, because all government funds went to the military industry and security, and not to the development of innovation. It has been studied that the strengths of Ukraine are knowledge and technology, business experience, the results of creative activity and human capital and research, but the infrastructure and institutional environment are at a low level, which hinders the development of innovation in our country. Our study of the sales volume of Ukrainian enterprises showed that the most profitable in 2022 were enterprises in the energy industry of Ukraine. That is why the main focus was on the production of innovations by energy companies. The main innovations carried out by companies in the Ukrainian energy market are the use of artificial intelligence, unmanned aerial vehicles, smart grids and smart metering of electricity consumption. It is the use of these technologies that has had a positive impact not only on the financial performance of companies in the electric power industry, but also on the country’s energy security. Innovative technologies introduced by Ukrainian companies were focused on protecting power grids from Russian attacks and developing alternative energy sources. We proposed a strategy for the development of the energy sector of Ukraine, which is proposed for implementation after the end of the war. After victory in the war, it is advisable to provide the basis for financing to companies that develop innovations in their firms.


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Economics and business management