Keywords: immersive technologies, restaurant business, virtual reality, augmented reality, innovations


This article delves into the role of immersive technologies, specifically virtual and augmented reality, in the management of restaurant businesses as a tool for innovative development. The aim of the article is to conduct an analysis of the application of immersive technologies in restaurant business management, considering the innovative aspect. The study explores the key theme of applying immersive technologies, particularly virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), in the context of the restaurant business. The work includes an examination of the VR concept and an analysis of its integration possibilities to create innovative restaurant experiences. Special emphasis is placed on utilizing these technologies for staff training and guest entertainment. A significant aspect of the research is the investigation into the impact of VR on enhancing impressions and guest services in restaurants. The authors meticulously examine how VR can transform a restaurant visit, creating unique and captivating experiences that enhance guest engagement and provide interactivity in food consumption. The article separately considers the potential of VR as an effective tool for marketing and promoting restaurants. It describes how the use of VR can impress guests through striking advertising campaigns, virtual tours, and special promotions that attract new customers and increase their loyalty. Additionally, the research explores the innovative potential of VR in the interior design of restaurants, improving communication with consumers, and creating unique concepts for establishments. Technological and economic challenges that define the opportunities for the widespread adoption of immersive technologies in the restaurant business are also identified. The authors emphasize the importance of further research and experiments to determine optimal scenarios for the use of these technologies in the restaurant business, aiming to maximize their innovative potential.


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How to Cite
Dyshkantiuk, J., & Vlasiuk, K. (2023). IMMERSIVE TECHNOLOGIES AS A TOOL FOR INNOVATION IN RESTAURANT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (29), 147-152.