Keywords: gastronomic tourism, gastronomic theater, event service, event, territory, destination


This study deals with gastronomic events that are important for individual hospitality industry and the tourism industry as a whole and affect not only visitors and organizers, but also other stakeholders, including local authorities, the business community, local residents. One of the newest forms of gastronomic events is gastronomic theaters, which are a specific tool for attracting and entertaining tourists, especially for discerning tourists who have a rich baggage of experiences and want to gain a unique and individual experience of traveling to places where gastronomy can be the only source. tourism and serve as a strong motive for their visit by tourists. The author's definition of the concepts "gastronomic theater" is offered. The development of gastronomic tourism as a component of the leisure industry is a national task, as it involves the organization of not only national but also international events. However, this area of tourism is a very promising area and a prerequisite for regional development of the country, as it involves a certain connection to the territory of event events. multiplier effect – it "forces" various sectors of the tourism industry to develop in order to use their potential more efficiently; features of event tourism are: lack of seasonality; possibility of forecasting; mass; interactivity; innovation; regularity of events; encouraging re-visits to destinations; entertainment. Large-scale international events shape the image of the territory, contribute to a significant increase in visibility, form its brand, increase its tourist attractiveness. The gastronomic theater is a unique and inimitable combination of acting and culinary skills, a show performed by a high-class professional with the opportunity to try the skills to taste. The creation of gastronomic theaters is aimed at developing gastronomic tourism in Ukraine and bringing Ukrainian representatives to the international level, strengthening international ties between restaurateurs and the chef community, improving the culture of service, forming regional ties, introducing international standards of gastronomic behavior for Ukrainian producers.


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How to Cite
Mital , O. (2022). GASTRONOMY THEATER AS AN INNOVATIVE EVENT-SERVICE OF GASTRONOMIC TOURISM. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (23), 103-107.
Productive forces development and regional economics