Keywords: income, expenses, assets, liabilities, profitability


The article is devoted to the analysis of the main financial indicators of the banks of Ukraine. The authors analyze the current state of financial indicators of the banking system of Ukraine and the changes that have taken place in it over the past five years (post-crisis period). The article analyzes the dynamics of the number of operating banks in Ukraine over the past five years. The structure of income of the banking system of Ukraine for the last five years was considered, namely interest and non-interest income, the result of revaluation and purchase and sale transactions, operating income, return of written-off assets. The article analyzes the structure of expenses of the banking system of Ukraine for the last five years, namely interest and non-interest expenses, operating expenses, general administrative expenses, deductions to reserves, expenses for payment of corporate income tax. In the article the authors consider and analyze the dynamics of assets of the banking system of Ukraine over the past five years, namely total assets (not adjusted for reserves for active operations), foreign currency assets, cash, bank metals, funds in the National Bank of Ukraine, correspondent accounts opened with other banks, time deposits with other banks and loans granted to other banks, loans granted to customers, investments in securities and long-term investments, reserves for active operations of banks (including reserves for transactions recorded on off-balance sheet accounts). In this article, the authors analyze the dynamics of liabilities of the banking system of Ukraine over the past five years. In this article, the authors analyze the dynamics of capital of the banking system of Ukraine over the past five years, including the authorized capital. The dynamics of changes in the liabilities of the banking system of Ukraine over the past five years, including the liabilities of banks in foreign currency, was studied. An article-by-article study of other borrowings of the banking system of Ukraine for the last five years, namely time deposits (deposits) of other banks and loans received from other banks, funds of economic entities, funds of individuals (with savings (deposit) certificates), funds of non-bank financial institutions. In this article, the authors calculated and analyzed the return on assets and capital of the banking system over the past five years.


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How to Cite
Sysoenko, I., & Karliuka , D. (2022). ANALYSIS OF MAIN FINANCIAL INDICATORS ACTIVITIES OF BANKS OF UKRAINE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (23), 132-137.
Money, finance and credit