• M.O. Koba International University of Finance
Keywords: wagon-building, enterprises, innovations, railway, activity


The subject of the scientific article is the innovative activity of wagon-building enterprises in Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to analyze the situation and identify problems and opportunities in the innovation activity of wagon-building enterprises in Ukraine. The study was conducted using a systematic approach, scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, statistical observations. The results of the conducted research are analysis of the activity of domestic wagon-building enterprises and their innovative activity. We have established that over the past three years, the process of restoration of wagon-building in the industry has taking place. It is noted that in the structure of expenses for the construction of Ukrainian wagons more than 90% belongs to the domestic component (castings, springs, bearings, etc.), that is, the overwhelming part of the spent money remains in the economy of Ukraine, which contributes to the increase of production and increase of rates of economic development. This contributes to the growth of the innovative activity of wagon-building enterprises. In particular, the study of the state of innovation of domestic wagon-building enterprises confirms the strong innovative and intellectual potentials of the industry, which is currently actively implemented. In general, innovative developments of domestic wagon builders are aimed at: increasing load-carrying capacity (increasing the load on the axle); increase in the volume of the car body; creation of new trolleys with increased inter-repair run. It is established that there are a number of problems hindering the introduction of innovations in wagon-building enterprises: this is the crisis of 2013 in wagon construction in connection with the situation in the East of the country and the prohibition of the import of Ukrainian wagons to Russia; deterioration of financial and economic performance of wagon manufacturing plants: reduction of funding for research and development, implementation of new technologies and innovations; high financial risks and low investment attractiveness of new projects in Ukraine. In general, in the domestic wagon-building, there are positive trends in the growth of both the volumes of construction of wagons and the volumes of new developments and technological solutions in carriage construction. The results of the study can be used for analysis by all participants in the railway transport market.


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How to Cite
Koba, M. (2018). INNOVATION ACTIVITY OF WAGON-BUILDING ENTERPRISES IN UKRAINE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (6), 94-100. Retrieved from
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