• O. Shcherbina Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University
Keywords: management, human capital, organizational culture, development strategy, sea ports


The article discusses various aspects of human capital management in the development strategy of the organizational culture of seaports for increasing the efficiency of seaports in general. The competitiveness of the domestic transport complex in the world market depends on the efficiency of the functioning of seaports. This study was conducted by methods such as analysis, systematization, comparison, and synthesis. The stages of the life cycle of an enterprise are revealed, each of which corresponds to a certain type of organizational culture, which makes it possible to anticipate the stages of a change of enterprise with a specific sequence of states and flexibly adapt the strategy and policy of managing human capital over time. So, at the stage of the formation of the enterprise own organizational culture is completely absent; at the stage of intensive development, the company is only forming its own organizational culture, core values; at the maturity stage, the organizational culture reaches a peak; The recession stage is characterized by wide divisibility of organizational culture. To compare the type of organizational culture with the stages of the life cycle, use the criteria of its divisibility and inconsistency, which can be indicators of the stage of development of the enterprise. The divisibility of culture is determined by the share of enterprise personnel, who share its basic foundations. The level of inconsistency is determined both by the incompatibility of contradictory group ideas and values, and by the discrepancy between the present and declared values of the enterprise. The article also emphasizes that along with the cyclical nature of the development of enterprises, human activity within each specific position also occurs cyclically. There are the following stages of human activity in one position: the stage of professional growth; stage of professional implementation; burnout stage; decision point; stage of professional stagnation; release It was noted that these aspects of human capital management must be considered in the strategy of developing the organizational culture of seaports.


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How to Cite
Shcherbina, O. (2018). HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT IN THE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE OF SEA PORTS. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (6), 110-114. Retrieved from
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