• Iuliia Fisun National Aviation University of Kyiv
  • Iryna Arbora National Aviation University of Kyiv
Keywords: marketing, marketing research, promotion, marketing communications, distribution channels, construction/building goods, retail


The main purpose of the article is to take a closer look at the fundamental marketing tools that can be perceived as extremely profitable and efficient in the retail trade of construction materials. According to the analysis of the marketing activities of companies in the construction industry, we can say that they mainly use certain elements of marketing. Therefore, there is a problem to mobilize all possible measures of construction marketing, namely the use of marketing tools. Today, trade enterprises operate in a highly competitive environment, so they have to analyze the impact of market relations and take the necessary measures to adapt. As a matter of fact, it is something undeniable in terms of the how market economy works, where the buyer of goods or services should be considered as the master of a situation. That is why companies that are engaged in retail trade are forced to study the market and also work on the principles of marketing. Modern trends in the development of the market for construction products are characterized by a number of indicators: volume and quality, the level of rental rates, profitability, the presence of large foreign companies, and so on. However, with increasing competition for sales markets, as well as with an imbalance of supply and demand, an indicator that cannot be expressed mathematically requires more attention, but it is an indicator of qualitative changes in the market – the importance of using marketing tools used in the process of selling goods in the construction industry. However, to balance market processes, it is not enough to implement a structural transformation of the industry with a focus on meeting the needs of consumers, and it is also necessary to use the entire set of marketing tools. All this leads to an awareness of the need to conduct marketing researches, the need to apply and develop successful marketing tools, this is a reliable means of increasing sales of products, and it is this combined activity of all marketing subsystems, which after a certain period of time will bring a significant result and increase the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole.


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How to Cite
Fisun, I., & Arbora, I. (2020). THE USE OF MARKETING TOOLS IN CONSTRUCTION GOODS’ RETAIL TRADE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (11-2), 51-55.
Economics and business management