Keywords: system-dynamic model, labor market, socio-economic instability, employment, income


In the context of modern socio-economic instability and financial uncertainty, a crisis situation in the economy and the state, the unfavorable impact of global changes in the world economy, the fourth industrial revolution and the Covid-19 pandemic, the relevance of constant monitoring and analysis of the socio-economic living conditions of the population of Ukraine increases. One of the tools for studying economic processes and systems is economic and mathematical modeling and forecasting, which makes it possible to analyze and assess the main indicators of the process, to identify the relationships between the elements of the system, to predict the patterns and dynamics of processes, to build strategies, to propose management methods, to compare the results of different options for appropriate solutions planning future activities. The purpose of the article is a statistical study of the current state of incomes of the population of Ukraine, analysis of the dynamics of its main sources, construction of a system-dynamic model, forecasting the employment of the population and the main indicators of the income sphere on its basis. The article analyzes the dynamics of the structure of the population’s income, shows that wages have become the main source of income in recent years, but the level of dependence of the population’s well-being on benefits and payments from the state decreases. The study of the dynamics of the average monthly wages was carried out, a positive trend of its growth in recent years was determined. It is noted that there remains the problem of accounting for the income of the population, which works in the shadow sphere of the economy. A comparative analysis of the Gini coefficient of Ukraine with neighboring countries is made. The paper presents the results of modeling the development of the sphere of income and employment using system-dynamic modeling. The forecast values of the main indicators of the labor market and the income sphere for 2021 have been determined: the number of the employed population, income and the level of poverty of the population. A number of measures in the field of state regulation aimed at building a socially oriented market economy have been proposed.


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How to Cite
Naumova, M., & Honcharuk, N. (2020). THE FORMATION OF INCOME OF THE UKRAINIAN POPULATION AS ONE OF THE FACTORS OF THE LABOR MARKET FUNCTIONING. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (13), 83-88.
Demography, labour economics, social economy and policy