Keywords: content, marketing, consumer, innovation, process, tool, promotion, loyalty


Digital technologies transform the principles and models of creating and disseminating information flow, which makes it possible to create web content that provides users with the necessary information about an innovative product. The purpose of the article is to develop and substantiate a model of content marketing's impact on enhancing the innovative potential of business. The article reveals the essence of the concepts of "innovation" and "innovation process". The role of content marketing in the innovation process is shown, which is an integral part of promotion. The internal system of content marketing as a business process based on a number of tools and methods is presented, and these functionalities are characterized. The model of formation and interaction of content marketing tools is proposed, the key principles of the model and its main advantages are described. The content marketing system is influenced by environmental factors and feedback from it, which is also reflected in the proposed model. It is assumed that this model will ensure the successful promotion of an innovative product on the market through the gradual involvement of consumers in the communication process related to the innovative product and the formation of brand loyalty. The study used the methods of analysis and synthesis, in particular, when studying approaches to the concept of "innovation", the structural-functional method when studying the structure of content marketing, and the graphical modeling method when building a model of formation and interaction of content marketing functions. Content marketing tools and methods are an integral part of promoting an innovative product. Its presence should be traced at all stages of the innovation process. The model of formation and interaction of content marketing tools proposed in the article will allow developing a specific program for successful promotion of an innovative product on the market, provided that the necessary resources are available. The model is based on the functional structure of content marketing and takes into account the interconnections between its subsystems, as well as the external and internal environment of the company. It provides for flexible customization of processes and quick adaptation to changes in the market situation. Thus, the proposed approach will increase the effectiveness of content marketing in the process of promoting innovations and strengthen its impact on the innovative potential of the business.


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How to Cite
Semenda, O., & Korman, I. (2024). MODEL OF CONTENT MARKETING IMPACT ON BUSINESS INNOVATION POTENTIAL. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (30), 66-71.